is the first step
One to one, I connect with writers.
And the reward is often a nurturing
partnership. In refining their fiction together,
we trade questions. We share ideas. We discuss
human nature and dissect the dynamics of people
acting and reacting. Best of all, we talk writing.
And the insight, direction, or suggestions
we shape come tailor-made to their stories.
Editorial Review, Developmental Editing, Copyediting, and Book Coaching Services
Editorial Review
So you feel pretty good about your manuscript. You’ve tweaked, revised, and rewritten
it, taken it as far as you can. But you need another perspective. Yep, been there!
I’ll read up to 300 pages of your manuscript, pinpoint its strengths
and weaknesses, and provide general comments concerning revisions.
I’ll use these comments as talking points to guide up to three hours
of consultation—in person, via Zoom, or by phone.
If you would like, I will provide a digital recording of our consultation.
Fee: $650. Each page over the first 300 will be $2.25/page.
Developmental Edit
If you feel your manuscript needs a good scrubbing, a developmental edit
would be your best option.
I’ll read the entire manuscript—zooming in and commenting on elements
such as word choice, sentence and paragraph structure, dialogue, grammar,
and punctuation.
Looking at the story as a whole, I’ll also analyze such things as point of view, character development, plot, scene structure, tension, pacing, imagery, and narrative arc.
In the margins of your manuscript I’ll provide detailed commentary. I’ll also
include a letter providing an overview of larger developmental concerns.
The margin notes, together with the letter, form a micro-macro guide
to help you revise your work.
Fee: $50/hour
If your manuscript needs a bit more polishing, I'll go through it line by line, keeping an eye out for consistency, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, and typos.
Fee: $35/hour
When copyediting or developmental editing, I always read through the manuscript at least three times. The first reading is an Overview Pass—just to become familiar with the story's strengths and shortcomings. During the Main Pass, I'll dig much deeper and begin suggesting changes. At the Loose Ends Pass, I'll go through my suggestions and the copy again, making certain they're clear and free of typos.
I structure my fees according to the reading:
Overview Pass — half the hourly rate
Main Pass — full hourly rate
Loose Ends Pass — half the hourly rate
Editorial Letter — full hourly rate
Book Coaching
If you’re looking for close, ongoing help with a particular project, we could arrange for one-on-one sessions to address any concerns you might have. Sessions might include brainstorming, discussions on plot, characterization, narrative tension, imagery—big picture issues. Occasionally, we would zoom in on elements such as sentence structure, usage, and word choice, etc.
Fee: $75/hour